Reclaimed Cellulose Acetate Collection
We crafty types are the hoarders of society. We see potential in garbage. Over my many years in optical product development, I fell in love with the cellulose acetate used in eyewear production, and as a product person, I had access to all kinds of samples. So every time we cleaned out our sample closets, I rescued the landfill-bound pieces and squirreled them away. And now I have found a brilliant and fun new job for all this acetate scrap: jewelry! I heat, bend, carve, polish, rivet, and combine with metal to make pretty stuff to wear. Mostly one-of-a-kind, but I'm working on new pieces all the time.
The good news is that Cellulose Acetate is considered an "eco plastic". It is made from the short fibers in cotton, combined with plasticizers and pigments, and rolled out like pastry crust to then cure into the nifty stuff you see here! If left to the elements it will biodegrade (eventually), so no leaving your pieces out in the sandbox.

The Birth of a Collection!
Cellulose Acetate Reclaimed from Optical Manufacturing Industry, Sterling Silver, Copper. One of a kind piece, Not For Sale, much beloved by artist.

Custom Commission
This piece is red acetate with sterling silver inlay and rivets. The image is not professional, but it makes me happy, because it was snapped by the wearer, my friend Julie, on her front porch in Beacon, NY.

Hand-Carved Cuffs in Triple-Laminate Cellulose Acetate
These were custom orders, with the material chosen by the customer. I'll be making more and posting them in the shop. They are one-of-a-kind pieces though, so when they're gone, they're gone....
Multilayer Green Acetate and Sterling Silver
A custom piece for my dear friend Gael Levin-Simon
Dual layer Blue and Green with Sterling Silver
Another custom piece for my friend, neighbor and fellow artist Anna Bergin